
British Values Skimming and Scanning Task

An image of the British Values Skimming and Scanning Task Resource

Cover British Values whilst consolidating pupils' reading skills with this KS2 British Values Skimming and Scanning Task. Children will complete the skimming and scanning challenge on each differentiated levels by highlighting various words and answering simple questions. This resource has six differentiated levels to choose from. Select the level that best-suits the needs of your class!

This text covers the four British Values in detail

National Curriculum Objectives:

  • English Year 3 & Year 4: Understand what they read, in books they can read independently, by identifying main ideas drawn from more than 1 paragraph and summarising these.
  • English Y5 & Year 6: Understand what they read by summarising the main ideas drawn from more than 1 paragraph, identifying key details that support the main idea.



Reading Comprehension