Hey Diddle Diddle Circle Time

An image of the Hey Diddle Diddle Circle Time Resource

Explore table manners through nursery rhymes with our Hey Diddle Diddle activity! This adult-led circle-time activity has a clear and easy to follow structure with regular opportunities for discussion. This activity contains an engaging and practical task to help children develop their understanding of table manners as well as time to reflect on what they have learnt.

It covers the following objectives for children in reception:

Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing: - regular physical activity - healthy eating - toothbrushing - sensible amounts of screen time - having a good sleep routine - being a safe pedestrian

Develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently. Suggested tools: pencils for drawing and writing, paintbrushes, scissors, knives, forks and spoons.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly
  • Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices
  • Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery


Managing Self

Fine Motor Skills