Little Miss Muffet Circle Time

An image of the Little Miss Muffet Circle Time Resource

A delightful circle time activity which focuses upon the feelings of others. This Little Miss Muffet circle time activity is adult-led with a clear and easy to follow structure. With regular opportunities for discussion, our questions develop understanding of feelings through role-play. Once finished, time is given for children to reflect upon their learning.

It covers the following objectives for children in reception:

Express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.

Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly
  • Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate
  • Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions
  • Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge
  • Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers