
Pirate Adventure Cross Curricular Pack

An image of the Pirate Adventure Cross Curricular Pack Resource

Looking for some pirate-themed resources to use with your class? Our KS1 Pirate Adventure Cross Curricular Pack will be perfect for you! It presents a range of pirate-themed activity which cover Maths, English, Science and Geography objectives. Ideal for use as part of a topic on pirates! Children will answer comprehension questions, label a pirate, find fractions, count treasure and follow directions on a grid.

National Curriculum Objectives:

  • English Year 1: Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them.
  • English Year 2: Understand both the books that they can already read accurately and fluently and those that they listen to by answering and asking questions.
  • Science Year 1: Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
  • Science Year 2: Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air).
  • Geography KS1: Use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language [for example, near and far; left and right], to describe the location of features and routes on a map.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity
  • Recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity
  • Recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins
  • Recognise and know the value of different notes
  • Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3 , 1/4 , 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity