This KS2 Who Let the Gods Out? Chapter 25 whole class guided reading pack includes differentiated questions and activities based on chapter twenty-five of the popular novel by Maz Evans.
In this chapter, Elliot and Virgo arrive back at Home Farm with Pegasus and the Earth Stone. Virgo goes off to the barn to tell everyone they have been successful and Elliot makes excuses to go and check on his mother. Before he goes into the house, he takes the Earth Stone from the crown. He uses the stone to find treasure to help pay off the loan. The stone works and Elliot takes as much as he can into the house to show his mum. When he enters however, Patricia is inside waiting for him. She informs Elliot that he has paid off the loan and Elliot believes he has been wrong the whole time. He is very thankful but then Patricia reveals why she helped them.... she has bought Home Farm from his mum.
This pack contains colour-coded questions to ensure clear differentiation, as well as differentiated challenge tasks focussed upon character emotions, subordinate clauses, synonyms and punctuation.
National Curriculum Objectives:
- understand what they read by drawing inferences such as
inferring characters feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying
inferences with evidence