Start the learning of a key maths skill for Y1 children with our fantastic Find and Make Number Bonds to 20 resource.
This three way differentiated homework resource is a fantastic way of supporting a range of abilities within your class. Children will get the chance to answer two fluency and one reasoning question to support the learning of finding and making number bonds to 20. With engaging, differentiated and challenging questions you'll be able to assess children's knowledge of number, number bonds and addition with this worksheet. The resource includes suitable questions and representations as well as a clear and concise answer sheet. So try now and get your children secure with number bonds.
Developing: Questions to support making number bonds to 20. Numerals only. Pictorial support for every question.
Expected: Questions to support making number bonds to 20. Numerals only. Some pictorial support.
Greater Depth: Questions to support making number bonds to 20. Limited pictorial support, using numerals and words within the same question.