

Find and Make Number Bonds to 20 Varied Fluency

An image of the Find and Make Number Bonds to 20 Varied Fluency Resource

Develop a strong understanding of numbers bonds to 20 with this differentiated Year 1 Find and Make Number Bonds to 20 varied fluency resource.

With a range of pictorial representations and complete with answers for immediate feedback, this varied fluency resource is ideal for use in class or for extra practice of finding and making number bonds at home.

The resource is differentiated to three levels of challenge:

Developing: Numerals only. Pictorial support for every question.

Expected: Numerals only. Some pictorial support.

Greater Depth: Limited pictorial support, using numerals and words within the same question.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20


Addition and Subtraction

