

Autumn 2 Arithmetic Test

An image of the Autumn 2 Arithmetic Test Resource

It's very much the lead up to Christmas, and whilst I know your class's heads will be filled with the merry tunes and the sounds of sleigh bells, it's still an important time of year to keep tracking on what they've learnt. So we've created this Arithmetic Tests Year 2 Autumn 2 pack, which is made up of an arithmetic test that has been differentiated six ways to allow for access and also coverage across the whole national curriculum, up to the end of Autumn 2.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
  • Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100
  • Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers
  • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers
  • Given a number, identify one more and one less