

Consolidating Singular or Plural Teaching PPT

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Use our Year 2 Consolidating Singular or Plural Teaching PowerPoint as a step-by-step guide for revising singular and plural nouns. The slides start with recapping what a singular or plural noun is, before moving on to adding suffixes to create singular or plural nouns. Varied fluency questions ensure pupils have a secure understanding. This is followed by application and reasoning questions, which allow pupils to apply singular and plural nouns in sentences.

Follow this activity up with some of our worksheet-based resources to get more bang for your buck!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es [for example, dog, dogs; wish, wishes], including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the noun / Suffixes that can be added to verbs where no change is needed in the spelling of root words (e.g. helping, helped, helper) / Terminology for pupils: singular / Terminology for pupils: plural