Move your pupils' learning forward to applying what they know about measuring lengths with this differentiated Year 3 Metres, Centimetres and Millimetres reasoning and problem solving resource.
Ideal for use in the classroom, or as extra practice at home, this resource is differentiated to three levels of challenge:
Developing: Find and measure items in the classroom shorter or longer than a given length in only millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm). Round to the nearest whole cm. Explain which measurement is the most suitable for the object stated. Measurements include millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm) only. Explain if a total measurement is correct or not. Includes measurements of centimetres (cm) only.
Expected: Find and measure items in the classroom shorter or longer than a given length in millimetres (mm), centimetres (cm) or metres (m). Includes use of some mixed units, using increments of 1cm and 1mm. Round to the nearest 5mm. Explain which measurement is the most suitable for the object stated. Measurements include some mixed units. Explain if a total measurement is correct or not. Includes some mixed measurements with objects placed at different positions on the ruler.
Greater Depth: Find and measure items in the classroom shorter or longer than a given length in millimetres (mm), centimetres (cm) and metres (m). Includes use of mixed units, using increments of 1cm and 1mm. Round to the nearest 1mm or 1cm. Explain which measurement is the most suitable for the object stated. Measurements include use of mixed units, using increments of 1cm and 1mm. Explain if a total measurement is correct or not. Includes use of mixed units using increments of 1cm and 1mm. Objects placed at different positions on the ruler and some increments not shown.