

Free Turns and Angles Modelling PPT

An image of the Free Turns and Angles Modelling PPT Resource

In this Year 3 Turns and Angles Modelling PowerPoint, you will find modelled questions all about turns and angles. Beginning with an introductory question that covers essential prior learning, this resource moves on to a range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions that can be displayed on your whiteboard. Each question is accompanied by an answer slide that provides instant feedback for your class.

Use our varied fluency and reasoning and problem-solving worksheets to find similar questions to the ones included in this resource and give your children even more practise with turns and angles.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recognise that angles are a property of shape or a description of a turn
  • Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle


Properties of Shapes


