

Converting Millilitres Varied Fluency

An image of the Converting Millilitres Varied Fluency Resource

Use this Year 5 Converting Millilitres Varied Fluency resource to give your pupils practice converting measurements in millilitres to measurements in litres and back again.

In the first question, they fill the gaps to complete sentences that reinforce the objective of the lesson. In the second question, they use a function machine to convert measurements made in millilitres to litres and back again The third question is a matching question that requires them to convert measurements to find pairs. Each question has two parts to promote fluency.

An answer sheet is provided to support teachers with marking and pupils with self-marking.

A reasoning and problem solving resource is also available for this small step.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • Convert between different units of metric measure (for example, kilometre and metre; centimetre and metre; centimetre and millimetre; gram and kilogram; litre and millilitre)