Build children's confidence with factor pairs by downloading our ready-to-complete Year 5 Factors varied fluency resource. Each worksheet includes four different question styles and two of each type to help children to secure their understanding and knowledge of the objectives covered. This resource has been differentiated three ways to support all learners. Here is a brief outline of how our differentiation differs per level of challenge:
Developing: Questions to support finding factors of numbers using knowledge of the 2, 3, 5, and 10 times table. Where the question is multiple choice, there are fewer options available. All answers are restricted to within the differentiation parameters.
Expected: Questions to support finding factors of numbers using knowledge of times table facts up to 12 x 12.
Greater Depth: Questions to support finding factors of numbers using knowledge of known times table facts to 12 x 12 and beyond.
This resource would be an ideal independent learning activity following your teaching input. Alternatively, this could be used in a small group to allow for an additional challenge or offer further support where required. A clear and concise answer sheet has been provided to aid marking or to use as a peer or self marking tool.
Multiplication and Division