Your children will be able to apply their area of a triangle problem solving and reasoning skills if you download and use this differentiated activity. We've created two problem solving style questions and one reasoning style question, with two examples of each question type, in this Year 6 Area of a Triangle – Counting Squares resource. It has been differentiated three ways to support all learners no matter what their ability. Below is a brief outline of how our differentiation differs per level of challenge:
Developing: Questions to support the area of triangles where the squares measure 1cm² and part squares are always worth a half.
Expected: Questions to support the area of triangles where the squares measure 1cm² and sometimes with a specified area.
Greater Depth: Questions to support the area of triangles where the squares represent 2cm² or 3cm² and sometimes with a specified area and one specified length.
Use this resource as part of an independent activity following your teaching input and a series of varied fluency questions. Alternatively, this could be used in a small group to encourage mathematical discussion or in an intervention session to offer further challenge or support where required.