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Text Marking a Persuasive Advert Model Text

National Curriculum Objective
English Y3/4: Discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar
English Y5/6: Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own


All adverts feature a shopping page on a website, complete with reviews and features, with more language and more complex features added through the levels.

Beginner To find examples of a picture, slogan, special offers and alliteration in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 3 Mastery/Year 4 Developing.

Easy To find examples of a slogan, special offers, alliteration, questions and adjectives in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 4 Secure/Year 5 Emerging.

Tricky To find examples of a slogan, special offers, alliteration, questions, adjectives, repetition and time limits in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 4 Mastery/5 Developing.

Expert To find examples of a slogan, special offers, alliteration, questions, adjectives, repetition, time limits and imperative verbs in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 5 Secure/Year 6 Emerging.

Brainbox To find examples of a slogan, special offers, alliteration, questions, adjectives, repetition, time limits, imperative verbs, facts and opinions in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 5 Mastery/Year 6 Developing.

Genius To find examples of a slogan, special offers, alliteration, questions, adjectives, repetition, time limits, imperative verbs, facts, opinions, similes and metaphors in a persuasive advert. Aimed at Year 6 Secure.

Beginner Easy Tricky Expert Brainbox Genius

Text Marking a Persuasive Advert - Beginner (Worksheet)

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Text Marking a Persuasive Advert - Easy (Worksheet)

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Text Marking a Persuasive Advert - Tricky (Worksheet)

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Text Marking a Persuasive Advert - Expert (Worksheet)

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Text Marking Persuasive Advert - Brainbox (Worksheet)

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Text Marking a Persuasive Advert - Genius (Worksheet)

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