

1 More and 1 Less Modelling PPT

An image of the 1 More and 1 Less Modelling PPT Resource

Teach finding one more and one less than any given number within 20 with our Year 1 1 More 1 Less Modelling PowerPoint. These slides cover different varied fluency and reasoning and problem-solving questions, with each question slide followed by an answer slide. Use the answer slides to model your working out.

Use the slides during your main teaching input - they are sure to save you time!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number
  • Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals
  • Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least
  • Given a number, identify one more and one less