

Finding the Difference Homework

An image of the Finding the Difference Homework Resource

Let children take the skills they've learned in class back home as they attempt our Year 1 Finding the Difference Homework resource. This activity includes two varied fluency questions and a reasoning style question all in a ready-to-complete format. We've differentiated this resource to three levels of challenge in order to cater for all learners in your class whilst still meeting the objectives covered.

Use this as your weekly homework task, as the name suggests. Alternatively, you could use this in class as an extension activity, display it on the screen at the end of the lesson to wrap things up or incorporate it into an intervention task; the choice really is yours! As an added bonus, we've given you the answers to make marking super speedy too.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
  • Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = __ 9