

Different Types of Sentences Prior Learning

An image of the Different Types of Sentences Prior Learning Resource

Get children thinking about sentence types by using this mixed question Year 3 Different Types of Sentences Prior Learning worksheet. This resource includes three varied fluency questions, two reasoning questions and an application question where children can recap their understanding of connecting different types of punctuation with different sentence types.

Use this worksheet at the start of your lesson, or the day before, to give you an idea of who might need additional support or extra challenge in your main lesson. This is also suitable for a homework resource, or a task in an intervention. You won't need to spend hours marking as we have that covered with a handy answer page.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly including: full stops / Use of full stops to demarcate sentences
  • Learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly including: exclamation marks / Use of exclamation marks to demarcate sentences
  • Learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly including: question marks / Use of question marks to demarcate sentences