

Area of a Triangle (Counting Squares) Reasoning and Problem Solving

An image of the Area of a Triangle (Counting Squares) Reasoning and Problem Solving Resource

Use this Year 6 Area of a Triangle (Counting Squares) Reasoning and Problem Solving resource to give your class further opportunities to use their knowledge of this topic for problem solving.

The first two questions are reasoning questions which require children to think carefully about a statement and decide whether it is correct. They then have a chance to use mathematical language related to the topic to explain their thinking.

The third question asks children to think of more than one way to draw a triangle with a given area. It may be useful to prepare some extra pieces of squared paper for children to use for this question.

Each question has two similar parts to promote confidence.

An answer sheet is included for quick and easy marking for teachers and self marking for pupils.

A varied fluency resource is also included for this small step.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles