

Writing in Notes Application

An image of the Writing in Notes Application Resource

Use this Year 6 Writing in Notes Application to challenge your children to create a set of notes based on a paragraph all about the breathtaking jungle ruins of Palenque. Whilst reading the non-fiction text, the children are asked to pick out the key information and turn them into a set of notes. An example set of notes have been provided to aid with your marking.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using semi-colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses / Use of the semi-colon to mark the boundary between independent clauses [for example, It’s raining; I’m fed up] / Use of semi-colons within lists / Terminology for pupils: semi-colon
  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses / Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using a colon to introduce a list / Use of the colon to mark the boundary between independent clauses / Use of the colon to introduce a list / Terminology for pupils: colon
  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Punctuating bullet points consistently / Punctuation of bullet points to list information / Terminology for pupils: bullet points