

Spring 1 Week 6 Maths in Minutes

An image of the Spring 1 Week 6 Maths in Minutes Resource

Boost pupils' confidence by regularly recapping previously taught objectives with this Year 4 Maths in Minutes resource. There are three sets of questions which cover a range of maths skills including number, measure, geometry and statistics. This resource is perfect to use at the start of a maths lesson, as a morning work activity or whenever you have some time to spare. We've specially designed this resource to be displayed on the interactive whiteboard to save on printing costs and photocopying time. Download today!

Curriculum Objectives

  • Compare mass (kg/g)
  • Tell and write the time from an analogue clock; 24-hour clocks
  • Add and subtract volume/ capacity (l/ ml)
  • Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines
  • Make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them
  • Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
  • Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables
  • Solve one-step and two-step questions [for example, ‘How many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’] using information presented in scaled bar charts and pictograms and tables
  • Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000
  • Find 1,000 more or less than a given number
  • Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers
  • Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
  • Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12
  • Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator