

Recognising Formal and Informal Writing Application

An image of the Recognising Formal and Informal Writing Application Resource

Is your local playground in need of an upgrade? Use this Year 6 Recognising Formal and Informal Writing Application worksheet and get the ball rolling! With some given formal phrases that could be included, children write a formal letter to their MP asking for improvements to be made to their local park.

This writing task could be used as a piece of extended writing or as a guided writing piece, either by the whole class or in small groups. A modelled answer is provided.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English appendix 2 by: Recognising vocabulary and structures that is appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms
  • The difference between vocabulary typical of informal speech and vocabulary appropriate for formal speech and writing [for example, find out – discover; ask for – request; go in – enter]
  • The difference between structures typical of informal speech and structures appropriate for formal speech and writing [for example, the use of question tags: He’s your friend, isn’t he?, or the use of subjunctive forms such as If I were or Were they to come in some very formal writing and speech]


Formal and Informal





Year 6 Formal and Informal