

Identifying Clauses Application

An image of the Identifying Clauses Application Resource

In this Year 6 Identifying Clauses Application, children are challenged to rewrite a paragraph so that it includes at least five different subordinate clauses. The paragraph provided allows children to focus on using subordinate clauses without having to focus on the context of the paragraph. A model answer has been provided to aid your marking, or this model answer could also be used as a model text to analyse the use of subordinate clauses.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using semi-colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses / Use of the semi-colon to mark the boundary between independent clauses [for example, It’s raining; I’m fed up] / Use of semi-colons within lists / Terminology for pupils: semi-colon
  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses / Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using a colon to introduce a list / Use of the colon to mark the boundary between independent clauses / Use of the colon to introduce a list / Terminology for pupils: colon
  • Indicate grammatical and other features by: Using dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses / Use of the dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses