Yasin and Scarlett are very excited because they are going to the fairground. Help them to count the notes and coins they can use to pay for their entrance, candy floss, ride tickets and a photo.
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Discussion points for teachers
1. Help Scarlett and Yasin to count the notes and coins they have. Do they have enough to pay for their tickets to get in?
Discuss which notes and coins they have. Discuss how to count the notes and then count the coins to find the total amount. Discuss if they have enough to pay for their tickets.
£20 + £20 + £20 + £2 + £1 + 20p + 10p + 10p = £63 and 40p which is the correct amount to buy the tickets.
2. Help Yasin and Scarlett to count the notes and coins they have to pay the nine pounds and 50p each.
Discuss which notes and coins they have each. Discuss if they have the same notes and coins. Discuss if that makes any difference; if not, why not. Discuss if there is a third combination of notes and coins that they could use with different notes and/or coins. Discuss if they have enough money each to pay for their candy floss.
Yasin has £5 + £2 + £2 + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p = £9 and 50p. Scarlett has £5 + £2 + £1 + £1 + 50p = £9 and 50p. They each have enough to buy the candy floss. There are various answers for finding a third combination of notes and coins to pay, for example: £5 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + 20p + 20p + 10p.
3. Help Scarlett and Yasin to count their notes and coins to pay the £17 and eighty pence.
Discuss which notes and coins they have. Discuss how to count the notes and then count the coins to find the total amount. Discuss if they have enough to pay for the roller coaster tickets.
£10 + £5 + £2 + 50p + 10p + 10p + 10p = £17 and eighty pence
4. Help Scarlett and Yasin to work out if the sales assistant has given them £6 and ten pence change?
Discuss which notes and coins they have been given as change. Discuss how to count it all to find the total.
£5 + 50p + 50p + 5p + 2p + 1p + 1p + 1p = £6 and ten pence.
Optional discussion points:
Discuss which notes and coins we have in pounds sterling.
National Curriculum Objectives
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3a) Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
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