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Spring Block 3 (Fractions) Resources and Worksheets

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About these resources

Differentiated maths resources for Spring Block 3 (Fractions) in small steps for mixed age KS2 children in Year 4/5.  Each small step contains a range of resources including a teaching PowerPoint, varied fluency worksheets, reasoning and problem solving worksheets, homework or extension worksheets, discussion problems for collaborative learning, interactive games and a learning video clip. Coverage of the Spring Block 3 (Fractions) small steps include what is a fraction?, equivalent fractions 1, equivalent fractions 2, equivalent fractions, fractions greater than 1, improper fractions to mixed numbers, mixed numbers to improper fractions, count in fractions, number sequences, compare and order less than 1, compare and order more than 1, add and subtract fractions, add 2 or more fractions, add fractions within 1, add 3 or more fractions, add fractions, add mixed numbers, subtract 2 fractions, subtract fractions, subtract from whole amounts, subtract mixed numbers 1, subtract mixed numbers 2, subtract 2 mixed numbers, multiply unit fractions by an integer, multiply non-unit fractions by an integer, multiply mixed numbers by integers, fractions of a quantity, fraction of an amount, calculate quantities and using fractions as operators. Year 4/5 Mixed age resources pull content from the Year 4 and Year 5 curriculum objectives.

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