Key Stage 2 Boost

Save time planning your KS2 booster groups.

In order to save you time, our weekly Boost timetable covers the domains for maths and GPS. You may choose to:
· Follow as a programme
· use for daily boost sessions
· use for ad-hoc boost sessions

Whichever way you use this programme, our premium customers will have FULL access to appropriate resources which include:
· Worksheets covering the domain
· Full lessons
· SATs Style Questions

All resources are on our website and available to premium subscribers. Free users can access the timetable document and a limited number of the resources.

SATs Arithmetic Assessment Packs

Year 6 teachers - we are excited to share DAILY arithmetic practice for your class. Each unique set of questions follows the same question type as both the 2019 and the 2022 Key Stage 2 Maths Arithmetic paper. Download in packs of 5 so you can use one question set each day. Each set includes 36 questions and the teacher answers are also provided.

Key Stage 2

KS2 Boost timetable

Save time planning your KS2 booster groups - Find the links to the resources within the weekly timetable.