Pancake Day

Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) is nearly here and will be celebrated on Tuesday 13th February 2024. If you are celebrating Pancake Day with your class, then you may like to share these texts all about this event. We have a range of different text types for different year groups, including:

• Instructions
• Invitations
• Diary entries
• Poetry

Key Stage 1

Making Pancakes (YRs/Y1e) The Reading Race

This text is in the form of instructions on how to make pancakes.

Key Stage 1

Pancake Poems (Y1m/Y2s/Y3e) The Reading Race

This text is in the form of a series of poems about pancakes.

Key Stage 1

It is Pancake Day (Y1s/Y2e) The Reading Race

This Pancake Day (Y1s/Y2e) The Reading Race text is in the form of a diary about making pancakes.

Key Stage 1

Pancake Party Y2/P3/G1 Whole Class Guided Reading

This text is in the form of an invitation to a pancake party.

Key Stage 1

Delicious Pancakes! (Y1s/Y2e) Guided Reading Pack

This Guided Reading Pack is linked to Pancake Day in the form of an information text about how to make pancakes.

Key Stage 1

How to Make Pancakes (YRs/Y1e) Guided Reading Pack

This Guided Reading Pack is linked to Shrove Tuesday in the form of a set of instructions about how to make pancakes.

Lower Key Stage 2

Perfect Pancakes Y4/P5/G3 Guided Reading

This text is in the form of a blog about a pancake recipe.

Upper Key Stage 2

Plans for Pancake Day? Y5/P6 Guided Reading

This text is in the form of text messages between two friends making arrangements for Pancake Day.

Upper Key Stage 2

The World’s Largest Pancake Guided Reading

This text is in the form of a social media post with a link to a news article about the world's largest pancake.